Sydney Grief & Loss Counselling

Psychologists & Counsellors with Experience Working With Grief, Loss & Mourning

Work with a counsellor or psychologist who can help you deal with all aspects of grief & loss

We value your unique situation and most likely have somebody who’s going to be a great fit

Unexpected Loss

We have a great deal of experience working with grief trauma. And we want to help you get through it. If you feel you’re ready, connect with us.

Complicated Grief

Counselling & psychotherapy can help process extreme grief and help you develop the coping skills needed to keep moving forward with life

Pet Loss & Grief

For those of us who love our animal companions so very much, their loss can be devastating and world-changing. We get this, and we got you.

Relationships Loss

Relationship loss can be complicated and devastating. We’re here to help you make sense of all of the different feelings that come along with loss. We’re here for you during the worst time in your life.

Grief about Loss of a Thing

Grief isn’t only about the loss of beloved people or pets. Sometimes we experience grief from the loss of a job, a home, or other, even when it might be a welcomed change. We don’t judge, and neither should you.

Our Grief Therapists Can Help You Get Through This

We Believe in You & You’re Ability to Work Through and Deal w/ Grief & Loss

You are not alone

We believe you can get through this

We believe in supporting you while you do

We are here to let you express your grief

We’re here to help you move forward one day at a time

Providers who work with Grief & Loss

Grieving & Loss Can Take Many Forms

Loss can involve the absence of someone or something close to you.

It can be the loss of a cherished job, the death of a family member or friend, or even an acquaintance. It can also can be the loss of a beloved pet.

A sense of loss may also follow after illness, the diagnosis of a terminal illness, divorce, a long- distance move away from family and friends, or the removal of any part of your life that is significant to you.

Grief is the process of working through loss. It is a natural emotional response and can affect your sense of self, your state of mind and your physical health.

In some cases, grief precedes loss. This is when you anticipate a loss that is yet to come. Grief and loss are sometimes really difficult to work through on your own.

Grief is a journey and a process that affects everyone differently.

You are unique in how you deal with your grief. Our work together will be about helping you find your best way for dealing with grief. We believe in your ability to get through this.

We are here to help.

Grief Trauma and Expression

After experiencing the loss of a close person or a beloved pet, it sometimes feels as though the responses of those around us are not quite right.

And in turn, we feel that we are expected to respond in a way that comforts them. It’s ok, I’m ok, I’m getting through this, you don’t need to worry about me. Or perhaps you feel that you are required to play a part in the grieving process of others that isn’t true to how you are really feeling inside.

In grief counselling, you can express yourself freely. Without fear of judgment. Because we’re here to listen. Always.

Dealing With Unexpected Loss

Dealing with unexpected loss is considered to be one of the most devastating events that can ever occur in one’s life. All loss is hard to cope with. But the aftermath of a loss that is unexpected can be particularly hard because of the intensity of feeling it brings and the traumatising affect it can have on the body and the mind. It can also lead to a form of prolonged grief called complicated grief.

We have a great deal of experience working with trauma, including grief trauma. And we want to help you get through it. If you feel you’re ready, connect with one of our experienced trauma specialist therapists.

Complicated Grief

Most people who suffer a loss pass through several stages of grief that finally leads them to a state of acceptance. But when grief persists without ever changing in intensity, it is called complicated grief. This is clinically referred to as prolonged grief disorder.

It happens when you want to move forward, but can’t seem to find a way to do it. It may mean that you feel that you have lost your sense of purpose in life. That you cannot stop thinking about the person, the beloved pet or the thing you have lost. Or that you can no longer take joy in anything that used to make you happy.

Counselling and psychotherapy can help you process extreme grief and develop the coping mechanisms you need to keep moving forward with life

Pet Loss

For those of us who love our animal companions so very much, their loss can be devastating and world-changing.

Loss can take many forms. It might mean the death of your long term companion and best friend through age or illness. It might mean having to forcibly abandon a pet through hardship, circumstance or divorce. Or it might mean an unexpected death.

Moving forward can seem impossible, simply because they were a part of the very fabric of our lives. Sometimes it feels that the grief we feel over the loss of our beloved is not truly valid, as though it is a lesser grief than we might feel for a fellow human being.

Pets are considered to be a part of the family. But we are often expected to endure our grief in stoic silence. A grief that is complex and deeply heartfelt because of the rich complexity of our relationships with them.

The process of grief can begin long before the death of our pet. We may have to endure a long period of decline. And it may also be the only time In our lives when we have to make an end-of-life decision on behalf of another living being, then follow it through with the difficult process of euthanasia.

If you feel you need help or support at any stage of your grieving process, we are here to help. To listen and provide the support you need to get through this.

We’re Here for Help in Dealing with Grief & Loss